Proverbs 31: 30

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


With the promise of a new year comes the promise of new beginnings and thoughts of how to better our lives.  I often think about making changes in my life this time of year because so many people are.  However, I have also learned that if a large number of people are doing something, I need pay attention and question whether or not it brings honor to my Heavenly Father.  Resolutions, no.  Glorifying Him, yes.

How can we glorify Him?  Make a choice that follows Biblical examples and continue along that path. So many people want to make change a negative thing.  If I want to loose weight, then I have to not eat this, not do that... If I want to have more joy in my life, then I have to not...  If I want to be a better wife, then I have to not nag...   The truth is, to make changes we do have to give up something, but I believe that adding more God in will make our lives more complete.  So, instead of giving up something, add something positive to your day:  A long walk (you and God), 15 minutes of Bible reading and reflection, a cold bottle of water (every time you sip, say a thank you to Him)... Over time the positive choice becomes habit and your life is more complete because you added more God to your life.

Julie Clinton wrote a book entitled, "Becoming a Woman of Extraordinary Faith."  Throughout this book she gives Biblical examples of how you can make choices to glorify God.  As God longs for you to experience a life full of joy of peace, He never promises to make your life easy and free of change.  He wants a relationship with you and for you to experience Him in new ways that will lead to your life being more fulfilled and more complete.

Read Psalm 42 (especially verse 5).  "Why, my soul, are you downcast?  Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God."

Don't allow yourself to remain in your current state of depression, discouragement, disengagement, disappointment, or complacency!   Add more of Him to your life and allow Him to work through your current situation to mold you and make you more like Him.  What a blessing!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Celebrate the birth of Christ!

Christmas is such a special time of year!  The world has a lot to offer for Christmas, but as Christians we have the real reason to celebrate - the coming of Immanuel, the Lord with us.  As you begin your preparations for all the holiday celebrations, take time to get alone with God and marvel at who He is and what He has done.  Every day, prepare your heart and your family's heart for a truly wonder filled Christmas season.

A fun way to focus on Christ this year is to have a family devotional time everyday.  Our family chooses to do this during breakfast every morning.  If that is too hectic, choose dinner, but make a commitment to gather together, read the Bible, pray and focus on the Christ and the real reason for Christmas!  Below is a devotional guide adapted from the book "The Advent Jesse Tree" written by Dean Meador Lambert.  Following this guide will allow you and your family to learn about the roots of our Lord and prepare for the birth of Christ.

December 1 - Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1-4
December 2 - Genesis 3: 1-10 and Isaiah 53:6
December 3 - Genesis 6:5-8, 7:17-23, 9:16 and Romans 6:23
December 4 - Genesis 12:1-7
December 5 - Genesis 22:1-13 and John 1:29
December 6 - Genesis 28:10-17
December 7 - Genesis 37:3-36, 50:18-21 and Romans 8:28
December 8 - Exodus 32:15-18, 20:1-20 and Psalm 119:11
December 9 - Numbers 13:1-2, 17-23, 27 and Psalm 103:2
December 10 - Ruth 1:16, 2:5-15, 4:14
December 11 - 1 Samuel 16:1, 13: 17:1-9, 40, 45-50
December 12 - 2 Kings 23:1-3 and Psalm 119:105
December 13 - Isaiah 11:1-5 and John 1:14
December 14 - Isaiah 11:6-10
December 15 - Isaiah 9:6-7 and John 14:27
December 16 - Isaiah 40:11; Psalm 23:1-2; John 10:27
December 17 - Isaiah 53; Luke 2:8-18; John 19:11-18; John 10:15
December 18 - Jeremiah 31:31-34; Acts 16:31
December 19 - Luke 2:4-7
December 20 - Daniel 3:19-29; Jeremiah 1:8
December 21 - Nehemiah 1:3; 2:18; 6:15; Malachi 3:1; Revelation 22:20
December 22 - Matthew 2:1-12; Revelation 22:16
December 23 - Luke 1:26-38; 2:32; John 8:12
December 24 - Hebrews 1:14, Luke 2:8-14; Romans 6:23
December 25 - Luke 2:1-10 and John 3:16

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Redemption and the Best Cup of Coffee Ever!

Redemption is a truly unique experience in its worldly sense.  If you choose to take the time to clip coupons and actually use them, then, you have a sense of what redemption is in the worldly sense.  Merriam-Webster defines the word redeem as:  "to buy back" or "repurchase" and redemption is the act of doing so.  That fits the worldly application of this word.  However, have you every received something for absolutely nothing?

Last week, the LORD bought me coffee!!  On my way to work last Friday I stopped by a favorite coffee shop of mine.  As I waited in the drive through line, I was reflecting on the past week.  Overwhelmed with the busyness of my life that had recently been topped with bouts of stress,  a little depression, and/confusion, I asked God to remind me of His friendship.  AND wouldn't you know, our God who is bigger and mightier than any of our circumstances, bought me coffee!  As I drove up to the window to pay and receive my coffee, the employee shared that the person in front of my had paid for my coffee.  Dumbfounded, I thanked the employee too, and as I drove off, the song I am a Friend of God began to play on the radio.

This is an example of redeemed and redemption in the spiritual sense.  Merriam-Webster continues to define redeem as: "to free from captivity by payment of ransom" and "to release from blame, debt, and the consequences of sin."  In Exodus 6:6, God says, "I will redeem you with an outstretched arm."  You see, we truly do not deserve His love, forgiveness, or redemption. He out of His love for us, paid the price, to restore you and I to a proper relationship with Him.  When we drive up to the window, He has prearranged our gift of salvation!

Once you drink of His cup and accept His gift of salvation, He is faithful and will continue to whisper over you through His word, prayer, worship, fellowship, and yes, even through the best cup of coffee ever!

Assignment #2:  Take about 20 minutes for ALONE time with God.  Open His word to John 3:16.  Read, reflect, and pray over this verse (or another verse of choice).  Take a card or piece of paper and write this verse on it.  Now, go buy someone a cup of "coffee" and share this verse with them.  When you have finished, share with your Sisters in Grace by posting on our blog.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed

What a blessing to be able to retreat from our busy lives, gather together for sweet fellowship and laughter, and draw closer to our Lord through the studying of His word!  Here are the details for this year's Women's retreat...
     What:  2012 BHBC Women's Retreat
     When:  Friday, November 9 - Sunday, November 11
          (we will leave late afternoon Friday and return Sunday morning)
     How much?:  $60 total ($20 non-refundable deposit due Sept. 16)
     More details:  we are headed to the mountains, Women's Ministry t-shirts $10

First Assignment:  Define the words redemption and redeemed.  How do those words apply to you and your relationship with God?  Prayerfully consider the fact that the God of Heaven and Earth has specifically brought you here - this blog, this city, this church.  He cares so much about you that He has even planned a special weekend just for you and your Sisters in Grace!  As you begin to think about our weekend, anticipate the blessings He has in store for you!

Second Assignment:  Come back to the blog for more information about the retreat!