With the promise of a new year comes the promise of new beginnings and thoughts of how to better our lives. I often think about making changes in my life this time of year because so many people are. However, I have also learned that if a large number of people are doing something, I need pay attention and question whether or not it brings honor to my Heavenly Father. Resolutions, no. Glorifying Him, yes.
How can we glorify Him? Make a choice that follows Biblical examples and continue along that path. So many people want to make change a negative thing. If I want to loose weight, then I have to not eat this, not do that... If I want to have more joy in my life, then I have to not... If I want to be a better wife, then I have to not nag... The truth is, to make changes we do have to give up something, but I believe that adding more God in will make our lives more complete. So, instead of giving up something, add something positive to your day: A long walk (you and God), 15 minutes of Bible reading and reflection, a cold bottle of water (every time you sip, say a thank you to Him)... Over time the positive choice becomes habit and your life is more complete because you added more God to your life.
Julie Clinton wrote a book entitled, "Becoming a Woman of Extraordinary Faith." Throughout this book she gives Biblical examples of how you can make choices to glorify God. As God longs for you to experience a life full of joy of peace, He never promises to make your life easy and free of change. He wants a relationship with you and for you to experience Him in new ways that will lead to your life being more fulfilled and more complete.
Read Psalm 42 (especially verse 5). "Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God."
Don't allow yourself to remain in your current state of depression, discouragement, disengagement, disappointment, or complacency! Add more of Him to your life and allow Him to work through your current situation to mold you and make you more like Him. What a blessing!